Do you feel like the two of you have grown apart, or you feel like your relationship is more of parallel lives? Lets examine the friendship, the vulnerability and the conflict styles. There are tools that can help partners to rediscover one another, become a priority again and learn to understand the emotion behind the distance.
We can’t talk anymore, only argue
Do you feel like you can’t talk with your partner? Do you have the same arguments, day-after –day and wonder if you even speak the same language? Perhaps your disputes are escalating. Let’s identify the emotion/ fears behind the statements and work on ways to improve communication, learn interventions to better manage conflict and the gridlocked issues, rebuild the eroded friendships and reconnection with each other.
Trauma and Infidelity
Have you experienced injury to your relationship with your partner due to trauma or infidelity? Maybe you are not sure if the relationship can be saved, or even if you want to try to rebuild your relationship. Couples counseling can provide support, a safe place to process the hurt and talk about the trauma with your partner. You are the one to determine if you want to work toward restoration.
Are you thinking about divorce or separation?
You have invested years of you life, your heart and finances as well. Sometimes criticism, resentment and defensiveness creep into daily communication to the point you don’t feel happiness, safety and connection. Do you want to try relationship counseling, to see if there are avenues to improve or rehab your relationship?